JUNG Archademy

Course Catalog:

Upcoming Live Courses 2024

The Stone: A Meditation on Archetypal Symbol with Chantal Powell, Ph.D. • May 5, 12 & 19

FALL 2024

The Alchemical Shadow with Thom Cavalli, Ph.D. - Sundays starting Oct. 13

Art in Action: Freedom and Self-Expression (small group workshop) with Nina Ross, Ph.D.

More Fall 2024 courses coming soon . . .

Video Seminars & Presentations:

Available for immediate purchase and viewing:

Jung’s Relationship to Astrology with Becca Tarnas, Ph. D.

Creativity, Freedom & Our Parental Complexes with Jungian Analyst David Pressault

The Symbolic Language of Dreams with Jungian Analyst David Pressault

Baba Yaga: Once There Were Old Women with Jungian Analyst Muriel McMahon

Introduction to Alchemical Psychology with author Thom Cavalli, Ph. D.

Anatomy of the Psyche (Book Study) with author and analyst Jason E. Smith

Tarot and Psyche with Mariana Louis, M.A.

ARCHADEMY ARCHIVE - Video Seminars & Presentations:

Free with your newsletter subscription:

Synchronicity & Re-Enchantment with Dr. Joe Cambray

Circumambulating the Self with author and analyst Jason E. Smith

The Imagination Matrix a dialogue with Dr. Stephen Aizenstat on his new book

Jung’s Larger Vision with educator Frank McMillan III

Living An Alchemical Life: An interview with Thom Cavalli, Ph. D.

Why Am I Like This? A Journey into Psychological Astrology with author Judy Balan.

The Soul & the Sea: A conversation with author and therapist Benig Mauger

Colonial Shadow with Kira Celeste, Ph.D.

Why Ritual Matters dialogue featuring Jungian analysts and authors David Tacey and Jason E. Smith and artist-educator Ann McCoy


MAY 2024

The Stone:

meditations on an Archetypal Symbol

with artist and educator Chantal Powell, Ph.D.

“Many people cannot refrain from picking up stones of a slightly unusual color or shape and keeping them . . . without knowing why they do. It is as if the stone held a mystery in it that fascinates them.”
– CG Jung, Man And His Symbols


Human-shaped stela, 2500 BC

There is so much potency in the symbol of the stone. That’s why we are drawn to hold and collect them, to use them as spiritual markers, as memorials, and to lay our myths upon them.

In this three-week course we will embark on a rich, visual meditation on the archetypal symbol of The Stone through Jungian psychology, art, alchemy, and mythology. Guided by artist and educator, Chantal Powell, you will discover the stone as a symbol of the Self, the illustrious philosophic stone of the alchemists, and the role of Holy Stones. We will traverse the presence of stones in myths and legends, look at how they mark sacred sites and their use in ritual landscape.

The course will also introduce you to artists who have utilized the stone as a source of inspiration and focus. The final week will be a special in-conversation event with invited guests Emma Cousin (artist) and Hettie Judah (writer/art critic/curator).

Maloja Stone by Max Earnst, 1934


meditations on an Archetypal Symbol


MAY 5, 12 & 19
11-1pm Pacific / 2-4 pm Eastern
/ 7-9pm GMT

Live Via Zoom +
Video Recording will be available
to all guests

Course Outline

Session 1:

The Stone as a Symbol of Self 

The Philosophers Stone – alchemy’s treasure

Holy Stones - Spiritual markers & memorials; a dwelling place for gods; sympathetic magic & talismans.

Stories, Myths & Legends – from Medusa’s petrifying gaze to the Parzeval’s Grail stone

Session 2:

The Stone in Landscape and Ritual

Meditation – slowing with stones, zen rock gardens and suiseki

Artists working with the symbol of The Stone – from Max Ernst’s painted pebble to Ken Unsworth’s 103 suspended river stones.

Session 3:

Talking Stones – An exploratory “In Conversation” with art critic/writer/curator Hettie Judah and artist Emma Cousin

Emma recently experienced being activated by the symbol of the stone during an artist residency on the Jurassic coast. We will be discussing and sharing images from this experience alongside insights and stories from Hettie Judah’s book
Lapidarium: The Secret Lives of Stones.

The Stone with Chantal Powell, Ph.D.
Sale Price:$97.00 Original Price:$127.00

Sundays May 5, 12 & 19 • Live-Video Seminar via Zoom • 11-1 pm Pacific / 2-4pm Eastern / 7-9pm GMT • Video recording will be available to registered guests


Sale pricing ends Apr. 29


Chantal Powell is an UK-based artist, educator and curator. Her art practice explores the symbolic language of the unconscious and is informed by a PhD in social psychology (Southampton University, UK) and an ongoing study of Jungian theory and inner alchemy.

Over recent years she has been researching first-hand the imagery in alchemical manuscripts and notebooks from the 15th and 16th century. Combining archetypal symbols from these sources alongside those from mythology and personal inner work, she uses a Jungian art-based research approach to facilitate our understanding of the human psyche.

Chantal is also the founder of the artist residency program Hogchester Arts in West Dorset and hosts the speaker program "The Red Book Club". She presents illustrated talks and workshops on psychological alchemy from an artist’s perspective and has co-curated exhibitions with a focus on archetypally symbolic art.



Hettie Judah

Hettie Judah is an art critic and writer for numerous publications including The Guardian’s arts pages, and Frieze. Recent books include How Not To Exclude Artist Mothers (and other parents) (Lund Humphries, 2022) and Lapidarium: The Secret Lives of Stones (John Murray, London, 2022/ Penguin, NY, 2023). Hettie is curator of the current Hayward Gallery Touring exhibition Acts of Creation: On Art and Motherhood. 

Emma Cousin

Emma Cousin is an artist working in London, UK. Cousin’s figurative paintings feature dynamic, carnivalesque scenarios that explore the space between reality and fabrication, felt experience and communication.




Art in Action:


What arises from your psyche when you are given uninterrupted time and space to express yourself.

with Nina Ross, Ph.D.

tuesdays October-November 2024


What is your unique visual language?

What kinds of flow feel right to you? What does your soul have to “say,” non-verbally? Reaching into a deep place inside of ourselves, what images, symbols, marks, colors and shapes speak to you?

What scares you and what stops you? What excites you and lights you up?

In this course, I will serve as a non-judgmental, supportive witness for you, as you learn to face your fears, becoming freer and more unencumbered by your self-expression. Connecting with others in the course, as you embark on this maiden voyage, will also support and encourage you along your way. You are welcome into this playful, experimental laboratory. There are no mistakes here!!

Each week, I will give art prompts that will allow you to begin your process. We will work individually during the week, coming back together online to share our process and receive support and feedback. There will be no critiques, only suggestions and positive encouragement.

I will give you a simple materials list. This course is for everyone – seasoned artists, as well as for those who feel desire to paint or draw, but have not yet found the courage to do so. Each person will have personal attention over the course of our weeks together.

The class will meet for 2 hours for 5 consecutive weeks.

A licensed art therapist in New Mexico since 1993, Nina is passionate about the transformative aspects of the creative process and its relationship with the archetypal imaginal mind.


Oct. 9, 16, 23, 30th and
Nov. 6th, 2024

4-6pm Pacific / 6-8pm Central
/ 7-9pm Eastern
+ Video recording will be available


Nina S. Ross received her PhD. In the Psychology of Art from Union Institute and her MA in Art Education/Art Therapy from the University of New Mexico. Over the past 35 years, Nina has catalyzed art, art therapy, and archetypal psychology throughout her long career as both an artist and a therapist. A published author and painter, Nina has led numerous workshops, classes and retreats focused on art and psyche. She is currently in private practice in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


Intimacy with Images:
The Art of Archetypal Psychology

by Nina S. Ross, Ph.D.

New book is available here


“As an artist, I was struck by how powerful and accessible Nina’s use of dream imagery was in connecting it to my own work. It gave me insight as to how to more deeply commit my own inner impulses to my creative process.”

— Robin Johnstone, Artist


This book was written for all those who help others using the creative process. For artists, art therapists, arts educators and those who transform lives by using an archetypal lens.

— Dr. Nina S. Ross, PhD

Art in Action: FREEDOM AND SELF-EXPRESSION with Nina Ross, Ph.D.

Live-Video Seminar Series via Zoom • TUESDAYS Oct. 9, 16, 23, 30th and Nov. 6th, 2024 • 4-6pm Pacific / 6-8pm Central / 7-9pm Eastern + Video recording will be available



The Alchemical Shadow

Making Gold from Darkness

with author Thom F. Cavalli, Ph.D.

“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. 
It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.”
Mary Oliver

The Shadow is an archetypal symbol that represents all of that which is unfinished, unfulfilled, unknown, including most importantly, that which thing we most fear.

Too often, teachers, therapists and coaches talk a lot about the personal shadow. You know, all those bad habits, bad memories, bad things we hide from and are most ashamed of, including experiences that traumatized us. We certainly need to tend to and heal these shaping factors in our lives, but in this seminar, we broaden the boundaries of shadow, envisioning it as the borderline region between the known and unknown world.

Here is where psychology touches on the forbidden world of the occult. And here is precisely where alchemical psychology provides us with the psychological and spiritual tools needed to transmute shadow into a more refined version of ourselves with the ultimate task of discovering the golden philosopher’s stone!

I invite you to this series as we learn how to produce gold out of the dark cloth of shadow.


Presented by:

Thom F. Cavalli

Thom Cavalli, Ph.D.

Thom F. Cavalli, Ph.D. is a Jungian psychotherapist, author and coach who provides services throughout the world. He has authored two major books, Alchemical PsychologyOld Recipes for Living in a New World (Putnam 2002) and Embodying Osiris, the Secrets of Alchemical Transformation (Quest 2010) as well as many articles in Psychological Perspectives and The Alchemical Journal. He is a yearly contributor of book reviews and film criticism for The Jung Journal. He gives a wide range of workshops and seminars at Jungian Institutes, mystery schools, and conferences.  

His websites are: AlchemicalWorks.com and Cavallicoaching.com

The Alchemical Shadow


with Thom Cavalli, Ph.D.

Sundays Oct. 13 - Nov. 3, 2024

10 am - 12 pm Pacific / 1-3 pm Eastern
4 weeks

All sessions will be video recorded for registered guests.

The Alchemical Shadow with Thom Cavalli, Ph. D.
Sale Price:$97.00 Original Price:$147.00

Live-Video Seminar via Zoom • Sundays Oct. 13, 20, 27 and Nov. 3, 2024 • 10 am - 12 pm Pacific / 1-3 pm Eastern • Video recording will be available to registered guests


Early bird registration pricing ends July 15th



First Seminar – Shadow, Gift or Curse?

  • The Gnostic Shadow – how the shadow entered the world

  • Jung and Shadow – why the shadow entered the world

  • The Dark Things that make us Real – what the shadow brings to Life

  • Shadow in the Individuation Process (age-related shadow)

  • Alchemy, the Black Art

Second Seminar - Ignore the Shadow at your Peril

  • The Shadow in alchemy

  • Projection and Personification

  • The Toxic Shadow

  • Shadow, dreams and nightmares

  • Shadow and Evil

  • Owning your Shadow

Third Seminar - Shadow work and the Mercurial nature of Shadow

  • The Necessity of Shadow and Conflict

  • Shadow forms and manifestations

    • Uncertainty, Doubt and neurosis (thinking shadow)

    • Shame, guilt and depression (feeling shadow)

    • Anger, Obsession and Perfectionism (behavior shadow)

  • Trickster and Shadow Work

Fourth Seminar - Taking Shadow to another Level

  • The Dark Forces of the Unknown

  • Earth’s Shadow

  • Global Shadow – ideology, fanaticism, authoritarianism

  • Cosmic Shadow – the Psychoid

  • Quantum Alchemy

  • The Realization of the Self


Thom will be hosted by

JUNG Archademy faculty member Chantal Powell, Ph. D..

Chantal Powell is an UK-based artist, educator and curator. Her art practice explores the symbolic language of the unconscious and is informed by a PhD in social psychology and an ongoing study of Jungian theory and inner alchemy.

Join Chantal for THE SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE OF THE UNCONSCIOUS Sundays beginning January 2025

Find out more about Thom’s video course an:
Introduction to Alchemical Psychology here

You can enjoy Chantal’s interview with Thom -
Living An Alchemical Life - below:


Tarot and Psyche:

A Jungian Approach to the Cards

with Mariana Louis



This course will be using a Rider-Waite-Smith based deck.

Session 1: Introduction to Archetypal Tarot

  • What is the tarot — The origins and history of tarot cards

  • Jungian archetypes, the collective unconscious & the tarot secrets

  • Why we use the tarot — Using the cards in the inner work

  • Synchronicity and the oracle

  • How we use the tarot — Asking the right questions

  • Divination vs Individuation

Session 2: The Minor Arcana & the Tarot Court

  • The four suits & the four Jungian functions

  • The Hero's Journey of the minor arcana

  • The court cards and the Jungian cognitive functions

  • The court cards and our inner complexes

  • Practicing active imagination with the tarot

Session 3: The Major Arcana 0-11 — Development of the Ego

  • Tarot and the arc of individuation

  • The archetypal principles of Masculine & Feminine

  • The archetypes of ego-development

  • Breaking down the major arcana number 0 (The Fool) - 11 (Justice)

Session 4: The Major Arcana 12-21 — Reunification with the Self

  • The path of transcendence & wholeness in the tarot

  • The archetypes of Shadow & Self

  • Living the tarot's mysteries of transformation

  • Breaking down the major arcana number 12 (The Hanged Man) - 21 (The World)



Available now for immediate access.

Psyche and Tarot Video Seminar with Mariana Louis, M.A.

Jungian Psychological Video Seminar • 4 Sessions, 8 Hours • Includes PDF with Link to Course Videos and Additional Materials

Purchase & Watch Now

Mariana Louis, M.A.

Mariana Louis, M.A. is a professional tarot counselor, scholar, and creator of Persephone's Sister, a platform for psycho-spiritual education and guidance. After stumbling upon The Undiscovered Self in her grandfather's attic library, Mariana entered into Jungian analysis and began her academic study of analytical psychology. This led her to pursue a degree in Western Intellectual Traditions at the CUNY Graduate Center, where she focused on archetypal perspectives of occultism and transformations of the feminine principle. Mariana then integrated her scholarship into her developing expertise in the tarot and formulated an approach she calls Archetypal Tarot. She teaches this approach, which marries Jungian concepts with the symbolic depth of the tarot, in the well-received Archetypal Tarot School. Mariana also holds a Bachelor of Music degree from Hunter College, and is a published lyricist and poet. Learn more about Mariana at: https://persephonessister.com/



An Exploration Into

The Symbolic Language Of Dreams

with Jungian Analyst David Pressault



Henri Rousseau, The Sleeping Gypsy, 1897

Dreams speak to us at night and shed light on what we miss and can’t see during the day. In the morning, its language escapes us and so often we lose the thread that was so clear the night before, we forget. Although elusive and enigmatic, if you learn to listen you will find that, dreams speak of what is kept most secret and intimate about who we are. In working with the unconscious, we come to find that dreams are the royal road to soul.


This session introduces C.G. Jung’s approach toward analyzing dreams and explores their compensatory function in our psyche.

1. Dreams and their function in the psyche

2. From subjective to collective: Types of dreams

3. Connecting the dots: Dream analysis through associations

4. Getting a wake-up call: Meaning of nightmares


Salvador Dalí Dream caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate a Second before Waking up, 1944

The Symbolic Language of Dreams


2 Videos + Bonus Material
4 hrs

In this 2-part course we look at C. G. Jung’s way of working with dreams and some of his approach to their symbolic language. We consider how one can cultivate a dream practice and come to gain some insight into one’s unconscious. We’ll try to get a grasp at what it’s like to honour and interpret a dream.



Short bonus video - How to enter the dream setting.



Receive immediate access to this course with your purchase below.

The Symbolic Language of Dreams Video Series with David Pressault

2 Videos + Bonus Material • 4 hours

Add To Cart

david pressault, Iaap

David Pressault is a Jungian analyst with a strong background in the Arts. He has a Masters in dance from UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal) and was a professional dancer and choreographer for 20 years. He developed a relationship to the unconscious through that art form. Today, he works in private practice and is a faculty member of the Ontario Association of Jungian Analysts.

Floating World Series: Cosmos and Tsunami • Gareth Bate



The second session looks at the nature of dream symbols and reflects on the significance of recurring dreams and how to identifying the most common dream themes.

1. Missing the message: The meaning of recurring dreams

2. Dream interpretation: The art of asking questions

3. Layers of meaning: Working with symbols and dream images

4. Analyzing common dream themes


Georges de la Tour, Dream of St. Joseph, ca. 1600


Anatomy of the Psyche Reading Group


with Jason E. Smith, IAAP


8 sessions, 15+ hours

Edward F. Edinger, Author

Available now

The understanding and interpretation of alchemy holds a central place in the writings of C.G. Jung. In its unique, and often bizarre, imagery, Jung found a symbolic language that reflected the activity of the psyche. His work on the psychological dimensions of alchemy, however, can be dense and difficult reading. Edward Edinger’s classic book Anatomy of the Psyche does a great job of bringing clarity and understanding to this area of Jung’s writings and to his essential insights into the symbolism of alchemy.

In this class we will read through Anatomy of the Psyche together. Using Edinger’s text as our guide, we will explore the challenging, but immensely rich subject of alchemy and its psychological meaning. We will discover the relationship between alchemical symbolism and dream imagery, discuss the relevance of alchemy to Jung’s concept of individuation, and understand how the operations of the alchemical opus translate into a contemporary spiritual or psychological practice.


"The essential secret of the art lies hidden in the human mind
-- or, to put it in modern terms, in the unconscious."
– C.G. Jung, CW12, par. 361



Required Reading:

Anatomy of the Psyche by Edward F. Edinger

Recommended reading:

Alchemy: An Introduction to the Symbolism and the Psychology
by Marie-Louise von Franz

Religious Ideas in Alchemy” from Psychology and Alchemy (CW12)
by C.G. Jung



Jason E. Smith, IAAP

Your Host:

Jason E. Smith

Jason E. Smith is an author and Jungian analyst in private practice in Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA. He was previously the president of the Training Board of the C. G. Jung Institute in Boston. He received his Master’s degree from Pacifica Graduate Institute and graduated from the C.G. Jung Institute - Boston with a diploma in Analytical Psychology.

Jason is the creator and host of the podcast, Digital Jung: The Symbolic Life in a Technological Age and the author of Religious But Not Religious: Living a Symbolic Life (2020).

Anatomy of the Psyche Reading Group with Jason E. Smith
Sale Price:$127.00 Original Price:$147.00

Jungian Psychological Video Seminar • 8 Sessions, 15+ Hours • Exploring Edward F. Edinger’s Anatomy of the Psyche • Includes PDF with Link to Course Videos and Additional Materials

Register / Watch Now


Course Outline:

Session 1

Chapter 1: Preface & Introduction

Read Preface and pp. 1 - 15

Session 2

Chapter 2: Calcinatio

Read pp. 16 - 45

Session 3

Chapter 3: Solutio

Read pp. 46 - 81

Session 4

Chapter 4: Coagulatio

Read pp. 82 - 115

Session 5

Chapter 5: Sublimatio

Read pp. 116 - 145

Session 6

Chapter 6: Mortificatio

Read pp. 146 - 180

Session 7

Chapter 7: Separatio

Read pp. 182 - 209

Session 8

Chapter 8: Coniunctio

Read pp. 210 - 232


An Introduction to Alchemical Psychology

with author Thom F. Cavalli, Ph.D.


6 Sessions
9+ Hours

Alchemy has become a buzzword in today’s world. Unfortunately, the more it’s used, the more it muddles the exceptional nature of this Royal Art and its secrets for living a genuine and meaningful life.  In this new series, we use the term in its original meaning, as a way of quickening and catalyzing our individual growth in all aspects of mind, body, and spirit. The concepts presented grew out of the work of C. G. Jung and provide us with an extraordinary framework to help us navigate the challenging and unprecedented dynamics of modern life. 

This six-part series focuses on transforming our dark, hidden potential into a perfected personality – the full and unique expression of who we are meant to be. We do this by employing the stages, recipes, and operations of alchemy as well as tapping into our inner resources, including dreams, synchronicities, and the archetypal gods. We’ll do a deep dive into ancient Egyptian as well as modern forms of alchemy, tracing the development of personal and collective consciousness from magic to contemporary science. By harnessing the power of alchemy, we create extraordinary, personalized maps and tools to facilitate our unique individuation journey.  The history of our future self is about rebuilding an enchanted world that returns the animating soul into our busy lives.

This course is design for people who are just delving into psychological alchemy, or who have some knowledge of Jungian psychology and want to deepen their understanding of alchemy and the individuation process.


Presented by:

Thom Cavalli, Ph.D.

Thom F. Cavalli

Thom F. Cavalli, Ph.D. is a Jungian psychotherapist, author and coach who provides services throughout the world. He has authored two major books, Alchemical Psychology, Old Recipes for Living in a New World (Putnam 2002) and Embodying Osiris, the Secrets of Alchemical Transformation (Quest 2010) as well as many articles in Psychological Perspectives and The Alchemical Journal. He is a yearly contributor of book reviews and film criticism for The Jung Journal. He gives a wide range of workshops and seminars at Jungian Institutes, mystery schools, and conferences.

His website is: AlchemicalWorks.com


Course Outline:

Session 1 - Introduction & Overview:

What is alchemy? Myths, Mistakes, and Mystery
Alchemy and the spiritualization of matter
What is alchemical psychology? • Inner life and the Individuation Process
Physical, Spiritual and Psychological Alchemy
Language of Alchemy, symbols and metaphor
Transformation, Transmutation, Metamorphosis • Lead to Gold

Session 2 - History:

The Geography of Alchemy • Egyptian Alchemy and Jung • Magic and Alchemy
Thoth, Hermes, Mercurius, the Trickster Archetype
History of alchemy and the development of consciousness
Chaos and Order • Creation and cosmology – Osiris solve et coagula

Session 3 - Past to Present:

Bolos, Zosimus and Paracelsus • Symbols – Secrecy and the danger of mystification
False alchemists and puffers • Major Alchemists – Dorn’s three stages
The Scientific Revolution – Descartes, Newton and Einstein
Nature (lumen naturae) and animals (anima) • Cosmos and Kairos
Re-Enchantment • The Quantum Revolution and the Psychoid

Session 4 - In the Laboratory:

Alchemical Language, symbols and images • Alchemy by the numbers
The Vessel and the Fire • Seven Operations, Stages and three levels of personality
Sulfur, Salt and Mercury, the Tria Prima •  Khunrack’s Amphitheater of Eternal Wisdom
Alchemist’s Mirror • Alchemical Recipes, The Emerald Tablet, the Corpus Collosum

Session 5 - Archetypal Alchemy:

What is an archetype? • Major archetypes in alchemy
Alchemical Archetypes – The Self, Persona/Shadow, Anima/Animus
Trickster archetype – Thoth, Hermes and Mercurius
Alchemical Dreaming, Maps of the Psyche
Meaning, the aim of Jungian therapy, Clinical vignettes
Enlightenment and Individuation • Synchronicity (examples)

Session 6 - Alchemy of Everyday Life:

Applications – Psychological typology, recipes and forces • Alchemical Psychotherapy, Complexes, and Healing • Quantum Alchemy, Emergence and Complexity • Dangers (inflation) and Precautions • The Art of Living – Becoming Gold/Osiris • Reading Jung: Resources and Recommendations




Baba Yaga:


with Jungian Analyst Muriel McMahon

“Bone by bone, hair by hair, Wild Woman comes back. Through night dreams, through events half understood and half-remembered, Wild Woman comes back. She comes back through story.”

– Clarissa Pinkola Estés


We herald the return of the feminine as the antidote to balance what has been damaged in the West by too much masculine. In modern men and women, the hero’s quest has dominated our consciousness and the maiden’s quest has been largely ignored. That being said, anything that has been denied, repressed, or disavowed, rarely returns intact. A feral animal is infinitely more dangerous than a wild or tame beast. Let us not be naïve. When She returns, her rage and her wrath must be calibrated with consciousness.

Join Jungian analyst and Keeper of the Stories, Muriel McMahon as we explore the archetype of the Crone. Figured as ‘Baba Yaga’ in Slavic tales, and deformed into a ‘Witch’ in more Eurocentric tales, this ambiguous figure of the feminine at the crossroads must be understood or else we be devoured by her. We must learn how to look her in the face, tend to her wounds, and remind her and us that the feminine in women and in men is a fierce energy that is rightly both feared and revered.

Through a Jungian archetypal lens, we will address the following:

  1. Acquaint ourselves with Jung’s essays: The Dissociability of the Psyche (CW8~365) and The Psychological Foundation for a Belief in Spirits (CW8~570).

  2. Learn and practice a formula for Archetypal Fairy Tale Analysis

  3. Discover an orientation to the archetypal figure of Baba Yaga

  4. Recognize the distortion of the wise woman in our western culture

  5. Prepare consciously for the re-emergence of the feminine in both men and women

Session One

‘Kissing the Witch’ and ‘Mother Holle’

Session Two

‘The Witches’ Excursion’ and ‘La Loba’


2 Sessions / 4 Hours

+ Available for immediate purchase and viewing

Baba Yaga Video Seminar with Jungian Analyst Muriel McMahon

2 Sessions / 4 Hours

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 In this TwO Seminar series we will
collect the bones of the old woman,
and sing them back to life

with Jungian Analyst
Muriel McMahon

Muriel McMahon, M. Ed., is a Zurich-trained Jungian analyst who leads an international weekly fairy tale seminar. Trained extensively in indigenous wisdom traditions, Muriel is a Keeper of Stories. She formerly served as chair of the Fairy Tale Certification program with The Assisi Institute, a training analyst and faculty member of the C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich, the managing editor of the Assisi Journal, and the director of studies for The Assisi Institute’s Archetypal Pattern Analyst program. Based in Canada, she has a busy online international praxis and has offered workshops and teachings in Russia, Zurich, Colombia, France, United States, and Canada. Muriel has a passion for story and the ways in which our wounds and our wonders are expressed in the enduring narrative of our lives.





Creativity, Freedom & Our Parental Complexes

with Jungian Analyst David Pressault

Jean-Paul Sartre’s striking remark about the French nation when he said in an interview for the Atlantic in 1944 ‘Never were we freer than under the German occupation’ was cleverly used by philosopher Julian Baggini in a thought provoking article in which he adds :

“Sartre’s core insight was that it is only when we are physically stopped from acting that we fully realise the true extent and nature of our freedom. If he (Sartre) is right, then the pandemic is an opportunity to relearn what it means to be free.”

In these times of imposed seclusion, it’s difficult to find a sense of freedom. Trying to move freely is filled with obstacles, limitations and impositions. However, when it comes to the imagination and much of Jung's work on cultivating an inner life, an impaired outer freedom can be fertile ground for the creative impulse. This said, the freedom to create seems to be a minefield of complexes, especially, parental complexes. We will look at this particularity of the parental complexes and inquire how and why they seem to wait around the corner and get in the way when we are about to be creative or free.  

Video Seminar with Jungian Analyst David Pressault

In this 120 minute video seminar, David shows how our freedoms lost connected not only to the pandemic but also to our parental complexes - includes a presentation and Q&A with audience.

You will receive a link to access video immediately after purchase.
Video will be avaible for one year from purchase date.

David Pressault (IAAP)

David Pressault (IAAP)


Jung’s Relationship to Astrology

JA Icon jpg.jpg


In recent years, new scholarship has been emerging demonstrating the essential role the discipline of astrology played in the development and practice of C. G. Jung’s analytical psychology. In 1911, Jung wrote a letter to Freud in which he said that his nights were occupied with the study of astrology, to which Freud responded that Jung would be “accused of mysticism.” Jung kept his practice of astrology relatively concealed, but based upon evidence in his own writings, as well as statements he made late in his life, Jung was drawing on astrological wisdom regularly for both personal use and with his patients. 

Becca 2.jpg

This presentation will demonstrate the role astrology played in Jung’s analytic practice, as well as the significant ways in which he drew on astrological symbolism in the transformative process of creating The Red Book. By understanding how astrology influenced the development of Jungian psychology—and how depth psychology has subsequently shaped modern astrology—we can see how the astrological discipline can complement, enhance, and deepen the psychotherapy practiced today.

Becca Tarnas, PhD, is a scholar, artist, and editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology. She received her doctorate in Philosophy and Religion from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), with her dissertation titled The Back of Beyond: The Red Books of C. G. Jung and J. R. R. Tolkien. Her research interests include depth psychology, literature, philosophy, and the ecological imagination. She teaches at both Pacifica Graduate Institute and CIIS, and is the author of the book Journey to the Imaginal Realm: A Reader’s Guide to J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Becca lives in Northern California, where she has an astrological counseling practice.

Becca Tarnas, Ph.D.

Scholar & Astrological Counselor


Jung’s Relationship to Astrology with Becca Tarnas, Ph. D.

Video Seminar Available Now

This 120 minute video seminar includes a presentation and Q&A with audience.

You will receive a link to access video immediately after purchase. Video will be avaible for one year from purchase date.









One way in which depth psychology can contribute to collective transformation in the 21st century is by helping us to move beyond the disenchanted worldview. This disenchantment arose out of our cultural monomyth of rational science being redemptive, which began with the Enlightenment.  With this in mind, we can understand Jung’s experiences during his Red Book period as amply demonstrating his efforts, conscious and unconscious, to re-spiritualize the world

In this presentation, we will look at how the concepts of individuation, synchronicity and the psychoid aspects of the archetypes entered Jung’s formulations of the psyche and nature.  Following upon this, we will reexamine these ideas in terms of complexity theory which offers tools to help us envision a re-enchanted world. These tools will help us listen to synchronistic attunements linked to ecological awareness along with opening the psychoid imagination to help us better detect and understand our relationship with the universe.



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Joe Cambray, Ph.D., is Past-President of Pacifica Graduate Institute; Past-President of the International Association for Analytical Psychology; has served as the U.S. Editor for The Journal of Analytical Psychology and was a faculty member at Harvard Medical School in the Department of Psychiatry, Center for Psychoanalytic Studies. Dr. Cambray is also a Jungian analyst living in the Santa Barbara area of California. His numerous publications include Synchronicity: Nature and Psyche in an Interconnected Universe, a newly edited volume, with Leslie Sawin, Research in Analytical Psychology: Applications from Scientific, Historical, and Cross-Cultural Research. He has published numerous papers in a range of international journals.


Our conversation will begin with a look at the key turning points in Jung’s creativity life as explored in Sparks’ new book The Call of Destiny: An Introduction to Carl Jung’s Major Works (2023). From there we will explore the matter and spirit issue as reflected on by Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz. We will look at the areas of accomplishment and research that his recognition of the link between spirit and matter has opened up.  These include synchronicity, psychosomatic medicine, the social function of dreams in a community, the prognostic capacity of dreams, his dialogues with Nobel laureate Wolfgang Pauli, the archetypal foundation of science (and why we should care), as well as the general theme of the convergence of Jungian psychology and quantum mechanics.

“The spirit and matter issue is something we are all being called to face. The task of our time is to make life in time and space, the relationship to physical events in life, the sacred altar of being.” 
– J. Gary Sparks

Where Do We Go From Here?

A Conversation with J. Gary Sparks

Hosted by Gary S. Bobroff and Cynthia Cavalli

95 min

Gary S. Bobroff is the founder of the JUNG Archademy and Jungian Online. He has a bachelor’s degree from the University of British Columbia, Canada and a master’s degree in Jungian-oriented counselling psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. He is the author of Knowledge In A Nutshell: Carl jung (2020) which is a Jungian psychology best seller.

Cynthia Cavalli, Ph. D., is a systems and organizational management consultant specializing in synchronicity, strategy development, future studies, and the dynamics of change and transformation. She has 30 years of experience in aerospace engineering, a Ph.D. in Human Systems, an MBA, and a BS in Physics.

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J. Gary Sparks

Jungian analyst and author J. Gary Sparks, BSEE, MDiv, MA, is a graduate of Bucknell University in Lewisburg, PA; the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, CA; and the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland. He is the author of At the Heart of Matter: Synchronicity and Jung’s Spiritual Testament (2007), Valley of Diamonds: Adventures in Number and Time with Marie-Louise von Franz (2009), Carl Jung and Arnold Toynbee: The Social Meaning of Inner Work (2017), The Call of Destiny: An Introduction to Carl Jung’s Major Works (2023), and also co-editor of Edward F. Edinger’s Science of the Soul (2002) and editor of Edinger's Ego and Self: The Old Testament Prophets (2000). Based in Indianapolis, he is widely known for his lectures and seminars on the significance and application of Jungian psychology.




The Self

with Jungian analyst and author Jason E. Smith

“I began to understand that the goal
of psychic development is the self.
There is no linear evolution; there is
only a circumambulation of the self.”

C.G. Jung,
Memories, Dreams, Reflections


Program Description: 

The Self is the central concept of Jung’s psychology. It can also be one of the most difficult concepts to grasp. This is because the Self, as the experience of wholeness, embraces both consciousness and the unconscious. There will always be something of this aspect of the psyche that will elude our understanding. As Edward Edinger writes, “All that can be done is to approach it from various angles and get little pieces of its meaning.”

Through the use of both image and idea, this workshop will begin to make such an approach to the archetype of the Self. Together we will examine several statements made by Jung and others describing the nature of the Self and its various attributes. We will discuss the implications of these statements as we circumambulate this important concept. The goal of this workshop will not be so much to gain a better understanding of the concept of the Self, but rather a more complete experience of it and the ways that it manifests in both the analytic situation and in everyday life.



Video Presentation
(Recorded Live)

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Jason E. Smith

Jason E. Smith is an author and Jungian analyst in private practice in Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA. He was previously the president of the Training Board of the C. G. Jung Institute in Boston. He received his Master’s degree from Pacifica Graduate Institute and graduated from the C.G. Jung Institute - Boston with a diploma in Analytical Psychology.

Jason is the creator and host of the podcast, Digital Jung: The Symbolic Life in a Technological Age and the author of Religious But Not Religious: Living a Symbolic Life (2020).




Soft Shadows

A discussion of
the Jungian shadow
concept and more
in the artwork

hosted by

Chantal Powell, Ph.D.

Dominic ChambersFairground Park (the shadowy place), 2022. Oil on linen, 84 x 72 inches. Courtesy the artist and Lehmann Maupin, New York, Hong Kong, Seoul, and London


Image credit: DC Daniel Kukla

In his recent exhibits Self-Summoning (shadow work) and Shadow Work (chapters) (both 2022), Lehmann Maupin artist Dominic Chambers’ work pours color into the Jungian concept of the Shadow. He shares how working with Carl Jung’s theory of shadow was revelatory for his artwork. 

We are pleased to present Dominic in conversation with artist and JUNG Archademy faculty Chantal Powell for a special event Saturday Jan. 20, 2024.

Dominic sees the Shadow as an enduring presence to be encountered, “It’s always there. The shadow manifests when a light source hits it”.  He will be discussing his use of color and light in depicting the shadow, and the power of art to give expression to unconscious processes.

“Shadow working is essentially when you do some introspective work to uncover parts of your identity or your personality you have potentially neglected or not addressed, but effect your personality and your life. So you have to go back and uncover what has happened to you, relationships with people and environments, and to re-contextualize those things and to revise them in a way that’s suitable for your life today.”
Chambers, interview with ArtNet: Painter Dominic Chambers on How Jungian Theory Shaped His Art, and the Transformational Role of Therapy in His Own Life

Transferring his personal learnings within Jungian therapy, his recent paintings point to the importance of looking inward and the transformative power of the imagination.

“In Chambers’s vivid paintings figures rest, read, and reflect in quiet peaceful settings straddling real and imaginary worlds. The bucolic landscapes are at once familiar and nostalgic, yet magical in their tonality. The rainbow-colored ghostly silhouettes in To encounter a shadow (2022) and Self-Summoning (shadow work) showcase Chambers’s connection to spirituality and self-actualization. A strong sense of vulnerability provides moments of respite and empathy for the viewer.”  –  Folasade Ologundudu for Art Seen - Dominic Chambers: Soft Shadows

Soft Shadows




Chantal Powell, Ph.D.

x min

Hosted by Chantal Powell

Chantal Powell is an UK-based artist, educator and curator. Her art practice explores the symbolic language of the unconscious and is informed by a PhD in social psychology and an ongoing study of Jungian theory and inner alchemy.

Chantal is also the founder of the artist residency program Hogchester Arts in West Dorset and hosts the speaker program "The Red Book Club". She presents illustrated talks and workshops on psychological alchemy from an artist’s perspective and has co-curated exhibitions with a focus on archetypally symbolic art. 

Dominic Chambers (b. 1993 St. Louis, MO; lives and works in New Haven, CT) creates vibrant paintings that simultaneously engage art historical models, such as color-field painting and gestural abstraction, and contemporary concerns around race, identity, and the necessity for leisure and reflection. Interested in how art can function as a mode for understanding, recontextualizing, or renegotiating one’s relationship to the world, the artist sees painting as a critical and intellectual endeavour, as much as an aesthetic one. A writer himself, Chambers draws inspiration from literature, especially Magical Realism and the writing of W.E.B. Du Bois, particularly Du Bois’ The Souls of Black Folk, and one of its central themes―the veil. A product of racial injustice that is a metaphorical lens through which Black bodies are observed and experienced, references to the veil appear throughout the artist’s work, whether in the large swaths of color that obscure the figures in his Wash Paintings series, or in his recurring use of a raindrop motif as both an active and passive element in his paintings. Many of Chambers’ compositions incorporate Fabulist elements, including ghostly silhouettes meant to be stand-ins for the artist and surreal landscapes that feel both familiar yet unplaceable.

Chambers received his B.F.A from Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, Milwaukee, WI in 2016, and his M.F.A. from Yale University School of Art, New Haven, CT in 2019. Solo exhibitions of his work have been organized at The August Wilson African American Cultural Center, Pittsburgh, PA (2020); Luce Gallery, Turin, Italy (2020); The Millitzer Studio and Gallery, St. Louis, MO (2017); and the Residential Gallery, Des Moines, IA (2017).

Chambers’ work is in a number of private and public collections, such as the Green Family Foundation, Dallas, TX; Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), Los Angeles, CA; and Pérez Art Museum Miami, Miami, FL.


Dominic was included on Forbes - 30 Under 30 to watch in 2021.


This dialogue is an introduction to Dr. Stephen Aizenstat and his new book: The Imagination Matrix: How to Access the Greatest Power You Have for Creativity, Connection, and Purpose

Dr. Aizenstat is the founder of Pacifica Graduate Institute and developer of the Dream Tending approach to the psyche. He has devoted his life to meeting with the voice within. JUNG Archademy founder Gary S. Bobroff, M.A. and Irina Avdeeva M.A. co-host the dialogue and speak with him about working with dreams, hosting the imagination and more.

We explore the role of imagination in the individuation process and the importance of relating to the inner figures that guide us through this process. Drawing on his lifelong work with clients and students, Dr. Aizenstat shares insights into how our dedicated engagement with the psyche connects us with our innate genius, allowing us to realize our fullest potential and live a more authentic life. Developing our imaginative intelligence, we learn to trust our inner calling and activate the healing capacities of our psyche to achieve a more fulfilling way of being in this world.   

“The Imagination Matrix offers portals of awareness through which each reader can find their inner code of life and their living core of creative imagination. This kind of shift in consciousness impacts individuals and communities, and also affects the entire planet.”

Michael Meade, author of Awakening the Soul

The Imagination Matrix

An Interview with

with Dr. Stephen Aizenstat


45 min

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Hosted by:

Gary S. Bobroff is the founder of the JUNG Archademy and Jungian Online. He has a bachelor’s degree from the University of British Columbia, Canada and a master’s degree in Jungian-oriented counselling psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. He is the author of Knowledge In A Nutshell: Carl jung (2020) which is a Jungian psychology best seller.

Irina Avdeeva - Irina holds two Master's degrees in International Affairs from Berlin, Germany and from the Elliott School of International Affairs in Washington, DC. Having lived in several countries and being proficient in multiple languages, she has learned to appreciate the importance of the collective unconscious in shaping the dynamics within different cultures and across the borders. Irina has a passion for studying the works of C.G. Jung, engaging with dreams through her paintings, and applying the archetypal lenses to the analysis of world politics.

Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D


Stephen Aizenstat, PhD, is the founder of Pacifica Graduate Institute, Dream Tending, and the Academy of Imagination. He has devoted his life to understanding the profound wisdom and healing power that exist within each of us. His work centers on the insight that, through our dreams and imagination, we can access limitless creativity, innovation, improved relationships, and, ultimately, our human potential.

Such an inquiry was a driving force in his creation of Pacifica Graduate Institute, a center for the study of the human experience through depth psychology, mythology, and the humanities. Surrounded by the beauty of the natural world where the mountains meet the sea, the institute is located on two university campuses in Santa Barbara, California.

Within this setting, Aizenstat pioneered his revolutionary, patented Dream Tending approach, a proven system based on four decades of rigorous scholarship and practical application road-tested with students, clients, and global workshops. This approach led to his work on The Imagination Matrix, a new paradigm for thinking more creatively and for living more authentically. He has conducted sold-out dreamwork and imagination seminars, workshops, and popup events in the United States, Asia, and Europe.

Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., has served as an organizational consultant to leading tech companies, international leadership teams, and the Hollywood entertainment industry. He has also lectured extensively around the globe on the experiences of dreams, Deep Imagination, Imaginal Intelligence, and unleashing your Innate Genius. He is affiliated with the Earth Charter International project through the United Nations, where he has spoken. Professor Aizenstat has collaborated with many notable leaders in the field, including mythologist Joseph Campbell; depth psychologists James Hillman, Marion Woodman, and Robert Johnson; visionary Jean Houston; Chinese Jungian analyst and scholar Professor Heyong Shen; and Aboriginal dreamer and artist Yidumduma Bill Harvey. Dr. Aizenstat honors his associations with sustainability and seed-saving activist Dr. Vandana Shiva, Aboriginal dreamer Bill Neijdie, and community organizers Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez.

His website is https://dreamtending.com


This dialogue is an introduction to Frank McMillan III and an exploration of his new paper “Whom Shall I Send? Postmodern Revelation and the New Reality in Jung”, published in Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul In the 21st Century – An Eranos Symposium Volume 5.

Frank is an award-winning author, educator, the founder of The Frank N. McMillan Jr. Institute for Jungian Studies at The Jung Center in Houston, Texas, and a board member of Pacifica Graduate Institute. JUNG Archademy founder Gary S. Bobroff, M.A. and Cynthia Cavalli, Ph.D. are happy to be co-hosting this conversation.

We’ll talk with Frank about his lifelong connection to Jung, his book Finding Jung and the important issues he brings forth in his latest paper. We’ll explore the spiritual crisis of modern humanity that Jung first brought to our attention. We’ll talk about the modern evidence for the reality of the extension of psyche in biology and quantum physics and why a purely materialist point of view is no longer sufficient. Finally, we’ll consider the importance of understanding synchronicity’s new vision of reality and why “moderns are good Freudians, but poor Jungians.”

“The most important and exceedingly difficult task of our time is to work on the construction of a new idea of reality.”
– Wolfgang Pauli

Jung’s Larger Vision:

A Conversation with Frank McMillan III

60 min

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Gary S. Bobroff is the founder of the JUNG Archademy and Jungian Online. He has a bachelor’s degree from the University of British Columbia, Canada and a master’s degree in Jungian-oriented counselling psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. He is the author of Knowledge In A Nutshell: Carl jung (2020) which is a Jungian psychology best seller.

Cynthia Cavalli, Ph. D., is a systems and organizational management consultant specializing in synchronicity, strategy development, future studies, and the dynamics of change and transformation. She has 30 years of experience in aerospace engineering, a Ph.D. in Human Systems, an MBA, and a BS in Physics.


Frank N. McMillan, III

Frank N. McMillan, III is an award-winning author, educator and speaker in Corpus Christi, Texas.

He holds a master’s degree in geography from Texas A&M University. Over the last thirty years, he has been an adjunct faculty member at Texas A&M University—Corpus Christi and Del Mar College where he teaches world geography.

In 2012, Texas A&M University Press released his non-fiction work, Finding Jung, an exploration of his father’s personal experience of the objective psyche. The following year, he was inducted into the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP) as an honorary member at its XIX International Congress held in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Frank has served on the board of several environmental and human service organizations, and currently works with nonprofit groups that address homelessness, poverty, illiteracy, and other urgent social issues. He is the founder of The Frank N. McMillan Jr. Institute for Jungian Studies at The Jung Center in Houston, Texas where he serves as a board member. The McMillan Institute hosts local and online educational experiences that advance Jung’s exploration of the frontiers of the human soul, and is now home to the annual Fay Lecture Series.

Since 2018, he has served as a trustee for the Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California and recently co-founded Academy of Imagination.



Living An Alchemical Life:



1 Session • 60 Minutes

Dr Thom Cavalli is a Jungian psychotherapist, author and coach specialising in alchemical psychology. He has authored two major books, Alchemical Psychology, Old Recipes for Living in a New World and Embodying Osiris, the Secrets of Alchemical Transformation

In this interview Thom talks to us about alchemy as a form of healing and as a tool for self-discovery in our modern world. He explains how he uses alchemical frameworks within his therapeutic practices and why he believes psychological alchemy holds the key to bridge the division we face between matter, soul and spirit. Thom also discusses the archetypal transformation motif in his second book, the ancient Egyptian story of Osiris, and why it is still relevant to us today as well as sharing his personal vision of alchemy. 

Join Thom for An Introduction to Alchemical Psychology video course available now.


Interviewed by Chantal Powell


Chantal Powell is an UK-based artist, educator and curator. Her art practice explores the symbolic language of the unconscious and is informed by a PhD in social psychology and an ongoing study of Jungian theory and inner alchemy.

Over recent years she has been researching first-hand the imagery in alchemical manuscripts and notebooks from the 15th and 16th century. Combining archetypal symbols from these sources alongside those from mythology and personal inner work, she makes art that brings awareness to the importance of energy-filled symbols to connect us to a world beyond that of the rational conscious.

Chantal is also the founder of the artist residency program Hogchester Arts in West Dorset and hosts the Jungian online book club and speaker program "The Red Book Club". She presents illustrated talks and workshops on psychological alchemy from an artist’s perspective and has co-curated exhibitions with a focus on archetypally symbolic art.

Join Chantal for The Symbolic Language of the Unconscious - Sept. 2023

Thom F. Cavalli

Thom F. Cavalli, Ph.D. is a Jungian psychotherapist, author and coach who provides services throughout the world. He has authored two major books, Alchemical Psychology, Old Recipes for Living in a New World (Putnam 2002) and Embodying Osiris, the Secrets of Alchemical Transformation (Quest 2010) as well as many articles in Psychological Perspectives and The Alchemical Journal. He is a yearly contributor of book reviews and film criticism for The Jung Journal. He gives a wide range of workshops and seminars at Jungian Institutes, mystery schools, and conferences. His website is: AlchemicalWorks.com

His current JUNG Archademy course offerings include:
An Introduction to Alchemical Psychology

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Why Am I Like This?


A Conversation with author Judy Balan


Balan’s new book Why Am I Like This? A Journey Into Psychological Astrology provides an excellent overview of the basic archetypal approaches to the planets and signs of astrology. This symbolic approach to self-understanding is a path that provides a middle way between the empty solely rational modern worldview and the rigidity of older dogmatic approaches.

In this conversation, we discuss how astrology provides a language for understanding our most important life experiences. Planets, aspects, signs and houses when viewed with an archetypal eye, enable us to discover ourselves as living in a meaning-filled world.

We talk about the gods as drives within us. We look at Saturn - the god of time - in our charts, Mars - the archetypal Warrior and the process of getting curious about our own patterns.

“Part memoir, part astrology, Jungian psychology and global mythology, Why Am I Like This? is an orchestral overview of the moving parts that come together to create what OG wellness influencer Carl Jung calls “wholeness”.

Wholeness, as Judy writes, “is not about becoming better or perfect, nor is it about aspiring to some collective standard of what is good, beautiful or successful. In the Jungian sense, wholeness is about becoming yourself or all that you potentially are, by facilitating a dialogue and a connection with your unconscious, and all the parts of you that are trapped in there.”

– Priyanka Mookerjee,
review on Scroll.in

Why Am I Like This?


A Conversation with author Judy Balan

60 min

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Author Judy Balan

Judy Balan is a writer and consulting psychological astrologer with a Post Graduate Diploma in Jungian Studies. Her most recent work Why Am I Like This? A Journey Into Psychological Astrology was published by Simon & Schuster, India in Feb 2023 and is equal parts memoir and primer in natal astrology through a Jungian lens. Judy lives with her daughter and two retrievers in Chennai, India.

Interview hosts:

Gary S. Bobroff is the founder of the JUNG Archademy and Jungian Online. He has a bachelor’s degree from the University of British Columbia, Canada and a master’s degree in Jungian-oriented counselling psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. He is the author of Knowledge In A Nutshell: Carl jung (2020) which is a Jungian psychology best seller.

Irina Avdeeva is a business development manager and course host for JUNG Archademy. She holds two Master's degrees in International Affairs from Berlin, Germany and from the Elliott School of International Affairs in Washington, DC. Irina has published academic articles and organized political debating workshops in Europe and North America. Irina has a passion for studying the works of C.G. Jung and applying the archetypal lenses to the analysis of world politics. 



A Jungian Investigation of the Colonial Shadow

with Kira Celeste, Ph.D.


In this presentation we will be exploring the colonial shadow and the settler psychology that has shaped what is now known as North America.

This psychology has perpetrated devastating harm over the last half a millennium and continues to oppress Indigenous people and degrade the environment. Today, it lives on in many of us. In this evening of discussion we will be using the tenet of depth psychology that stories and myths from one’s own ancestry can bring about transformation and deep changes in perspective. As such, we will investigate how an alchemical way of imagining into white settler colonial consciousness might contribute to its accountability and psychological healing today.

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Kira celeste, Ph.D

Kira Celeste, PhD is passionate about supporting individuals in their journeys towards integrity with self and others. She is the author of The Colonial Shadow: A Jungian Investigation of Settler Psychology. As a white settler, she gratefully acknowledges that the land on which she lives and works works as a depth psychotherapist, registered clinical counsellor and writer is the Unceded Traditional Territories of the K'ómoks and Qualicum First Nations. Her Doctorate is in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute




The Soul
The Sea

A conversation with author Benig Mauger


How does emotional healing happen? How do we resolve our heartbreak, our childhood issues, our experiences of abandonment and betrayal and recover a sense of wholeness so that we can continue to walk our spiritual path? How can we connect with the spiritual wisdom within if we have become separated from our Divine heritage rooted in our own nature?

Thirty years in the therapy room listening to fellow souls although enriching my life immeasurably, has taught me one essential truth–healing is not a matter of will, it is a matter of heart. You can tell your story over and over again and still not heal.

One day, after perhaps years in therapy sitting on the same chair week in week out, a miracle happens, a doorway opens and a great surge of love sweeps over us and we know we will never be the same again.”

You heal when your heart opens, when you surrender to a higher force and when you pray or listen to your soul. Healing can come through in a dream, in a poem or when something outside us makes an electric connection, a resonance with something deep inside us. Just as ‘the flow’ that became this book pushed its way into my consciousness mainly through my dreams, walks by the sea and periods of meditation and reflection, so too can healing come to you.

In a time of spiritual awakening, emotional healing must move beyond psychology if it is to be effective.”

Benig Mauger

Communing with nature, working with dreams, meditation and soul journeying with spiritual tools-in The Soul & the Sea, Benig Mauger interweaves depth psychology with spirituality to present a new model of healing. The Soul & The Sea takes you deep into the Sacred Feminine wisdom embodied in the earth and our own inner healing wisdom.

Inspired by the sea and land around her home, Mauger draws from her own life experiences as a Jungian therapist and spiritual teacher to illustrate how connection to nature and the spiritual world can heal emotional wounds. As both a guide and a creator of a new portal for healing, The Soul & the Sea reads like a story as it charts the journey to healing through nature and spirit while serving as a tool for emotional healing and soul growth, showing us how to connect to our inner healer.

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Jungian psychotherapist
Benig Mauger

Benig Mauger is an internationally known Jungian psychotherapist, spiritual teacher, poet and workshop leader. Author of a number of critically acclaimed books, she is a frequent speaker at national and international events on psychological healing, spiritual wellness and how to live an empowered and soulful life. A pioneer in pre and perinatal psychology, her ground-breaking book 'Songs from the Womb' (1998) led to media exposure, seminars and workshops in the following years in the USA and Europe. Her books 'Reclaiming Father'(2004)  and 'Love in a Time of Broken Heart (2008), led to further appearances. Aside from her work as a speaker, teacher and author, Benig maintains a private practice. Informed by her own spiritual journey, her recent work and writing is aimed at helping others learn how to heal from within. Her forthcoming book The Soul & The Sea will be published in May 2023. She lives and works in Connemara, Ireland. Her work is featured on her website www.benigmauger.com


“Man is in need of a symbolical life–badly in need. We only live banal, ordinary, rational or irrational things–but we have no symbolic life. Where do we live symbolically? Nowhere except where we participate in the ritual of life.” – C. G. Jung

Conversations In Search of Meaning

Join us for the first in our series of Jungian Roundtable discussions with authors, analysts and artists featuring:

David Tacey

Ann McCoy

Jason E. Smith

Hosted by: Gary S. Bobroff and Sheri D. Kling

“We need ecstasy, which in its Greek sense (ek-stasis) means to be outside the ego. The ego is a prison, caught in time, space and rationality. We need to leave this mental prison behind from time to time, and on a regular basis. What can get us out? Poetry, love, sex, therapy, passion, nature, ritual, ceremony, music, empathy, compassion, and ‘feeling with’ the world. All of these things Jung calls ‘religion’. Religion is anything that provides escape from egocentricity, relief from the mundane, and as such he gives a Dionysian spin to religion, that seems almost contrary to what an archbishop, for instance, might mean by this term.” David Tacey

What role does ritual play in our search for meaning?

How can ritual break us out of the mundane?

How can we find those rituals of life that will fulfilll and sustain us?


A Jungian Roundtable in Search of Meaning. Analysts, Authors and Artists in Conversation + Q & A.

To watch the video from this special event, please subscribe to our email newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time):



David Tacey PhD is a writer and public intellectual who works across the fields of spirituality, religious studies, analytical psychology, literature and philosophy.   He is a specialist in Jungian studies and has edited The Jung Reader and co-edited The Idea of the Numinous and is the author of sixteen books, including: How to Read Jung; Jung and the New Age; Remaking Men; Gods and Diseases; Religion as Metaphor; and The Darkening Spirit.   His most recent book is The Postsecular Sacred: Jung, Soul and Meaning in an Age of Change (2020). David conducted analytic training with James Hillman in Dallas and taught courses at the summer school of the Jung Institute in Zürich until 2010.  He lives in Melbourne, Australia.


Ann McCoy is a New York-based sculptor, painter, and art critic, and artist with a fifty year career. She is known for her large scale drawings of the dream world and Ann worked in analysis with Prof. C.A. Meier in Zurich and with James Kirsch in Los Angeles. She lectured on art history, the history of projection, and mythology in the graduate design section of the Yale School of Drama until May 2020, and taught in the Art History Department at Barnard College from 1980 through 2000. In 2019 she was awarded a John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship in art. Ann lectures on Jung and the artistic process from over fifty years of analytical experience and feels strongly that creative people have a unique approach to the unconscious.

Join Ann for her upcoming course: Jung, Art & the Alchemical Imagination beginning Jan. 9, 2022


Jason E. Smith is an author and Jungian analyst in private practice in Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA. He was previously the president of the Training Board of the C. G. Jung Institute in Boston. He received his Master’s degree from Pacifica Graduate Institute and graduated from the C.G. Jung Institute - Boston with a diploma in Analytical Psychology.

Jason is the creator and host of the podcast, Digital Jung: The Symbolic Life in a Technological Age and the author of Religious But Not Religious: Living a Symbolic Life (2020).



Gary S. Bobroff is the author of Knowledge In A Nutshell: Carl jung (Arcturus, London, 2020) which has quickly become a Jungian psychology best seller. He has a bachelor’s degree from the University of British Columbia, Canada and a master’s degree in Jungian-oriented counselling psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. He founded Jungian Online in 2011 and JUNG Archademy in 2020.

Gary’s upcoming course offerings include: Archetypes of Personality begins Feb. 8, 2022 & Introduction to Jungian Psychology begins March 20, 2022


Sheri D. Kling, Ph.D. is an author, speaker, consultant, and coach who draws from wisdom and mystical traditions, relational worldviews, depth psychology, and the intersection of spirituality and science to help people find meaning, belonging, and transformation. She is a faculty member of the Haden Institute and sees her mission as midwifing spiritual rebirth in individuals, organizations, communities, and culture. She is also a singer, songwriter, guitarist, and storyteller who considers herself a “voice for transformation.” Sheri can be found online at www.sherikling.com.

Join Sheri for upcoming course The Dreaming Body and Religious Experience beginning February 2, 2022.


A Jungian Roundtable in Search of Meaning. Analysts, Authors and Artists in Conversation + Q & A.

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