Art in Action:


What arises from your psyche when you are given uninterrupted time and space to express yourself.

with Nina Ross, Ph.D.

tuesdays October-November 2024


What is your unique visual language?

What kinds of flow feel right to you? What does your soul have to “say,” non-verbally? Reaching into a deep place inside of ourselves, what images, symbols, marks, colors and shapes speak to you?

What scares you and what stops you? What excites you and lights you up?

In this course, I will serve as a non-judgmental, supportive witness for you, as you learn to face your fears, becoming freer and more unencumbered by your self-expression. Connecting with others in the course, as you embark on this maiden voyage, will also support and encourage you along your way. You are welcome into this playful, experimental laboratory. There are no mistakes here!!

Each week, I will give art prompts that will allow you to begin your process. We will work individually during the week, coming back together online to share our process and receive support and feedback. There will be no critiques, only suggestions and positive encouragement.

I will give you a simple materials list. This course is for everyone – seasoned artists, as well as for those who feel desire to paint or draw, but have not yet found the courage to do so. Each person will have personal attention over the course of our weeks together.

The class will meet for 2 hours for 5 consecutive weeks.

A licensed art therapist in New Mexico since 1993, Nina is passionate about the transformative aspects of the creative process and its relationship with the archetypal imaginal mind.


Oct. 8, 15, 22, 29th and
Nov. 5th, 2024

4-6pm Pacific / 6-8pm Central
/ 7-9pm Eastern
+ Video recording will be available


Nina S. Ross received her PhD. In the Psychology of Art from Union Institute and her MA in Art Education/Art Therapy from the University of New Mexico. Over the past 35 years, Nina has catalyzed art, art therapy, and archetypal psychology throughout her long career as both an artist and a therapist. A published author and painter, Nina has led numerous workshops, classes and retreats focused on art and psyche. She is currently in private practice in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Intimacy with Images:
The Art of Archetypal Psychology

by Nina S. Ross, Ph.D.

New book is available here


“As an artist, I was struck by how powerful and accessible Nina’s use of dream imagery was in connecting it to my own work. It gave me insight as to how to more deeply commit my own inner impulses to my creative process.”

— Robin Johnstone, Artist


This book was written for all those who help others using the creative process. For artists, art therapists, arts educators and those who transform lives by using an archetypal lens.

— Dr. Nina S. Ross, PhD

Art in Action: FREEDOM AND SELF-EXPRESSION with Nina Ross, Ph.D.

Live-Video Seminar Series via Zoom • TUESDAYS Oct. 8, 15, 22, 29th and Nov. 5th, 2024 • 4-6pm Pacific / 6-8pm Central / 7-9pm Eastern + Video recording will be available
