january 2024

Jung, Art and the Alchemical Imagination

with Ann McCoy

Ann McCoy with Lunar Birth

Ann McCoy with Lunar Birth


For nine weeks beginning in January 2024, award-winning artist and educator Ann McCoy will take us into the alchemical processes within the psyche and how artists have created these images in varied art forms.

In addition to reviewing some of the most powerful of classical alchemical images, an in-depth examination of the role of contemporary artists in each of the alchemical processes will be a touchstone of the course.

This is a class for anyone, including artists and writers, wanting to explore alchemy and psyche in general.

Ann will be hosted by JUNG Archademy faculty member Chantal Powell, Ph. D..

Chantal Powell is an UK-based artist, educator and curator. Her art practice explores the symbolic language of the unconscious and is informed by a PhD in social psychology and an ongoing study of Jungian theory and inner alchemy.

Join Chantal for THE SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE OF THE UNCONSCIOUS Sundays beginning Sept. 10.

beginning Jan. 7, 2024

10-Noon Pacific, 1-3 Eastern

+ Video recordings of all live classes will be made available

Hermann Nitsch

Hermann Nitsch

Course Outline

  1. The Alchemical Axis. This first class will use Plate One of The Splendor Solis, as a jumping off point to explore the voyage from the conscious world into the depths of the unconscious–and the trepidation that may accompany this process.

  2. The Solutio, this bathing in the waters, breaking down into solution, occurs in many forms and is portrayed in many paintings and videos in the work of Bill Viola and others.

  3. The Calcinatio and the Fires. Michael Maier’s Atalanta Fugiens of fire and furnace will be moved into the present as they resonate with our world in flames.

  4. Moving from Three into Four, the Axiom of Maria the Jewess, and the role of the feminine in alchemical active imagination, and the process in general. Works by women artists will be featured in this section.

  5. Mortificatio and Putrefactio. Dismemberment and Putrefaction will move into a discussion of agricultural and spiritual rebirth using the myth of Osiris and the work of artists like Agnes Denes with her urban wheatfield.

  6. Coagulatio, when liquid returns to solid form. This image from the laboratory relates to many creation myths as well as artists working in the foundry. We will explore contents movement from the unconscious as they enter the realm of ego consciousness.

  7. Will be a discussion of the alchemical colors (black, white, red) and focus on the Nigredo, Albedo, and Rubedo. This will include a discussion of depression as part of an introductory process.

  8. Sublimatio, as the spirit ascends. From images of ascending doves and the assumption of the Virgin, this is still fertile ground for artists. This lecture loops back to the first lecture.

  9. This lecture will feature images of the steps on the Mountain- Caves of the Adepts, it will be a summary discussion of movement between processes.










Ann McCoy is a New York-based sculptor, painter, and art critic, and Editor at Large for the Brooklyn Rail. She is an artist with a fifty year career, and known for her large scale drawings of the dream world. Her work is found in many museum collections, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Los Angeles County Museum and many others and was featured in the Venice Biennale 1985 Art and Alchemy curated by Arturo Schwarz. She was awarded a 2019 John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship in art. She lectured on art history, the history of projection, and mythology in the graduate design section of the Yale School of Drama until May 2020, and taught in the Art History Department at Barnard College from 1980 through 2000.

Ann worked with Prof. C.A. Meier for twenty-eight years in Zurich and with James Kirsch in Los Angeles. She has a background in Jungian psychology and philosophy. She has studied alchemy since the 1970s in Zurich, and Rome at the Vatican Library. Most of her work is based on her dreams, and their relationship to alchemical texts, and Christian alchemy in particular.

Ann lectures on Jung and the artistic process from over fifty years of analytical experience and feels strongly that creative people have a unique approach to the unconscious, that comes from working with actual materials, and in-between dream states.

The Chrysopeia of Mary the Jewess  Leonora Carrington • 1964

The Chrysopeia of Mary the Jewess  Leonora Carrington • 1964