tuesdays may / june 2023

Introduction to Jungian Psychology

with Author and Jungian Analyst
Dr. Lionel Corbett


Dr. C.G. Jung

Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)

Born in 1875 in Basel, Switerzland, C. G. Jung was a medical doctor and psychiatrist who, along with Freud, opened up our research into the nature of the human unconscious and founded psychotherapy. Their work led to the modern re-popularization of interest in dreams and archetypes.

Jung gave us the psychological type categories that led to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and coined the terms introvert and extravert.  He also coined the terms synchronicity (and his writing on that topic is the main reason for its continued popularity in our culture today) and collective unconscious – giving us a term for the deeper layer of the psyche that transcends the personal.

Jungian psychology is a larger on-going tradition rooted in psychotherapeutic approaches to the unconscious.


Introduction to Jungian Psychology


  1. Jung’s attitude to psychotherapy. The ego; the unconscious and its levels; the archetypes

  2. The archetypes continued; archetypal motifs in myth and folklore

  3. The archetype of liminality and initiation; archetypal structures in the psyche; the shadow; anima and animus

  4. Complexes; puer-puella; the divine child; the trickster; the wise old man

  5. The symbol; individuation; Jung on myth

  6. The Self; Jung on religion; dreams and active imagination

  7. Jung on alchemy

  8. Jung’s typology; the Freud-Jung break

Tuesdays starting May 9

8 Weeks
4-6pm Pacific / 7-9 pm Eastern
+ Video recording of all sessions
will be available

Sale pricing ends May 2

• All pricing in US dollars.

with author and Jungian Analyst
dr. lionel corbett

Dr. Lionel Corbett trained in medicine and psychiatry in England and as a Jungian Analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago. Dr. Corbett is a professor of depth psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California, where he teaches depth psychology.

Dr. Corbett is the author of numerous professional papers and six books: Psyche and the Sacred; The Religious Function of the Psyche; The Sacred Cauldron: Psychotherapy as a spiritual practice; The Soul in Anguish: Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Suffering, and Understanding Evil: A Guide for Psychotherapists and his latest: The God-image: From Antiquity to Jung.

He is the co-editor of four volumes of collected papers: Psyche’s Stories; Depth Psychology, Meditations in the Field; Psychology at the Threshold;  Jung and Aging.